Home Learning

Please click on your child's grade level to download the appropriate Home Learning resources for your student.

As educators, our staff and administration must be diligent in keeping informed, and learning daily about the recent COVID-19 outbreak that has affected much of our day to day lives. Our absolute number one priority is to ensure the health and safety of our students, and our families of our SD194 community.  We will continue to provide meaningful learning opportunities for our students throughout the closure of our schools.

Student packets will be collected upon return to school. If you do not have a printed packet, students can record their work on loose sheets of paper.

Please email your child's teacher with any questions regarding home learning work.

Teacher Schedules



  • Board of Ed. Meeting

    6:00 p.m.

    Steger School District 194
  • Spring Break - No School

    Steger School District 194
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